Friday, July 12, 2013

The Dawn

Every day the sun comes up and grants us a new day. A day that can become whatever we choose to make of it. Yesterday becomes the past........the past which we must learn from, or risk making the same mistakes (this time knowing better). Sometimes, our days seem to pass us by, becoming a big blur. Before we know it a month has passed and we barely remember any of it. And sometimes we cherish our days, and we remember minor details. No matter how we have spent our days one thing is constant................


We have made choices all along the way........such as whether to do the dishes now or play with the kids first. These choices become a part of who we are. The choices we make alter what is available to us in the future........such as choosing to stay up late with the kids will perhaps limit our time to sleep. A dear friend of mine (who probably doesn't even know she has done so), has taught me that these choices need to be made DELIBERATELY!!!! If I choose to sit down to play a game with my children instead of folding laundry, I must not allow that laundry to "scream" at me while I play. Instead, I must accept the fact that the laundry will still need to be folded when playtime is done, and ENJOY the moments with my children. Soak up their laughter! Drink in their smiles!

Since my last post, my life has changed. It has changed in a way I never expected. Isn't life funny that way? About the time you think you have it figured out, it throws something at you that you NEVER expected. While this life event was not expected, it was necessary. I know I will have those that may disagree with me. That's fine! One thing I have learned......not everyone will agree with me before something can or will be right. I have also learned that this is MY life and my life alone. I must make my own choices and take on whatever consequences that follow. I must live my life in a way I can live with. And make my choices deliberately.

Just like with a new day, life allows for a new dawn. It doesn't matter how your "night" went, or what "yesterday" held.....each day is a brand new make of it whatever you wish. Life will throw challenges. The key to meeting those challenges is to find joy in every day. So today, while I personally feel like crawling in a hole and crying my eyes out, I am going over my blogs and making changes. I am not sure what this blog will evolve into in the passing months. But one thing is will be and intentional change and there will be JOY along the way.

Because today the sun came today is a new day!

A day waiting to be deliberately lived!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yummy Rolls!

So for Easter, we were invited to a friends house for dinner. I was asked to bring rolls for everyone. So I figured we had 16 kids, two of with are babies, and 11 adults, and we needed something like 2-3 rolls a piece. So I made 6 dozen rolls! This is my favorite recipe and it comes from my sister-in-law, Ginger. They are soooooooo good and easy to make. Here is the recipe.......

Feather Light Rolls
2 ½ Tbsp. Instant yeast
½ c. warm water
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. Crisco oil
2 eggs
1 c. scalded milk
2 tsp. salt
4 ½ c. flour (approx)
Mix together: sugar, oil, salt, eggs. Add scalded milk
and warm water. Add 2c. flour & mix. Add 1 more c.flour,
plus the instant yeast. Mix. Then add the rest of the
flour gradually. Let kneed 6 minutes in bosch. Let rise till
doubled in size. Roll in balls and roll in butter and place in pan.
Let raise about 20 minutes.
Bake @ 425 for 10-12 minutes.

This makes about 2 dozen rolls!
Here are a couple of pictures. I kind of failed to get someone to take shots while I was making them, but that is cause it was Easter Sunday and my hubby was already cutting strawberries for breakfast, my oldest was making buttermilk syrup for breakfast and my other kids were enjoying their Easter Baskets. So these photos will have to do.

Obviously, these are just after I rolled them in the butter and put them in the pan.

And these are the baked ones!

Just so you know, I really didn't have too many left.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Menu Board

So I am a few hours late. Okay, like 12 hours which is half a day but I am here and I am posting. I thought that for my first post (I mean since I changed things in my mind) I would blog about something I created that I am so thrilled is done. It keeps me in order and it makes me happy every time I look at it.

See! Isn't it beautiful???? This is my menu board! YAY!!!!! This baby keeps me in line (when used properly).

Okay, so this is how it started out. Well actually this was just the manageable size that fit in my house nicely. Let me tell you real quick how I decided to do something so crazy. First off I went onto all kinds of other blogs trying to find someone who had already come up with the design I wanted. While all the ones I saw were cute, I wanted to be able to use my recipe cards (that was a project *and still is* of it's own that I did not want to go wasted). So, I began to formulate what I wanted and how I wanted it to work. It took several sketches, and I am not that great at sketches, to come up with the final project. But I finally came up with it and then started to collect the materials needed to make it happen. The metal is a 3'x4' sheet that I got from Home Depot and the board is 4'x5', which gave me 6" on each side for what I wanted. The board was much bigger than this, so I had my incredible husband help me cut it to the right size. I think the board is 3/8", but I am not for sure on that.

I then sanded the board and painted it black (I wish I had step-by-step pictures here, but you will just have to imagine it cause I don't). I also took a metal scourer to the metal sheet to rough it up a bit.

Then I centered the metal on the board and used Gorilla Glue to stick it on and let it sit over night.

I found the coordinating paper the colors I wanted and cut them all to 10"x10" which left me with just about an inch space between each paper to see the metal, cause I love it!

Then, because I am a perfectionist, I marked with pencil exactly where each paper was supposed to go and then used mod podge to adhere it to the metal. Just as a note, if there is anyone out there that sees this and thinks they want to do it, I did one paper at a time. Also, one BIG key to mod podge is making sure you have a tool to press out the bubbles so the paper is right up against the metal (or wood or whatever you are mod podging onto). I used a big purple scrapper. Also, I did NOT do a layer of mod podge over top of the paper. I did on one paper and the paper started bubbling, so I did not finish. After the mod podge dried I took a straight blade to the metal and scrapped off he excess, came off like a charm!!!!

From there I used my Cricut and Sure Cuts A Lot program to cut out the days of the week in black vinyl. Just so you know, I only did 6 of the 7 days of the week because 6 is an even number and I figured Sunday is a day of rest for me and my family and we usually either do homemade pizza or breakfast so it is nothing I need to plan for. I believe I cut the days of the week out at 1 1/2" or 1 3/4", and with the font I chose it fits perfectly (one of the added benefits of using the Sure Cuts A Lot program was that I could see it on the mat, and what it measured before I even cut it out). I then used transfer tape and applied it to my board on top of the cute paper.

Then I searched and found a cute saying online. I cut it out of paper and mod podged that on the top and bottom of my board, in the 6" extra space above the metal.

From here I enlisted the help of my amazing husband again and found the right spot to hang it on the wall. We found the studs and took drywall screws and screwed it into the wall. I have to say at first, I was very nervous about the permanency of this. In the end, I decided that I wanted what I wanted and if I moved I could just take it down and patch up, right???? Because of the size of this board, we were able to screw this into four studs both on the top and bottom. I don't think it is going anywhere!!!!

I then added some "accent" screws to the metal. This does serve some function as I did not want to put the Gorilla Glue too close to the edge, so the screws to help keep the metal up against the board, but mostly I think they just look awesome!

Then because my mother-in-law gave me a beautiful apron for Christmas, I needed a place accessible so I could not only use it, but display it. So I bought some rob hooks and attached them to each side of the board, again in the 6" extra space on each side of the metal.

Then, I made magnets with the same paper I had on the board. I did this by buying clear accent gems from the Dollar Tree and magnets from Wal-Mart. I took the gems and traced them on the paper I wanted. I then cut the circles out and mod podged the paper to the gem and let it dry. Once dried I glued the magnets on with Gorilla Glue and let that dry over night. The next morning I sanded the edges of the paper off to create a better finish.

That is the end, and here is the final project.

{Yes! I know the "my" needs to come up a bit because everything slants down to it. I am currently formulating the fixing of this, it is just not on my priority list}

Now because this board sits on a wall opposite my stove, I needed a place to take my recipe card and keep it in one place while I was cooking. So I made this.....

which sits on the wall right next to my stove. This keeps it up off my counter and it less likely to get all messy. However, I do plan on laminating all my recipes to completely avoid the smudges. This was a piece of metal that I cut down to be the right size for my wall. I cut it using metal cutters, of course and some big help from that amazing husband.

This is a project that was a bit long, but it has been well worth it. Now I just go through my recipes at the start of the week and decided what we are going to have. This also allows me to look at my calendar and see if there are nights that we MUST have a crock-pot meal or two because of my busy life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The change to come

So one would ask, do I find much joy? I mean seriously, if I am not posting about what brings joy, then I must not be finding it, right? WRONG!!!!! I suppose my biggest problem is I am finding so much joy that I don't have time to write about it.

All kidding aside! I think this blog is about to take a turn. I still plan on keeping up on it and even more regularly than once every 6 months (WOW! Has it been that long?) Anyway, here are the roadblocks I have found since I started this blog, and what I plan to do about it. 1) My hands are too messy even think touching the camera. And I don't know about you, but I LOVE blogs with pictures! Resolution: Have one of my amazing helpers snap a few shots. 2) Pictures not loaded on the computer when I have time to blog. Resolution: Load them after taking them. 3) No scheduled time to blog. Resolution: Set a day and time that once the kids are in bed, I can blog. Set day Sunday night (perhaps just every other week). 4) Not sure what I want to blog about. Resolution: When I am making my weekly menu plan, decide which item I am going to blog about and put my "blog about it" marker on that recipe. 5) Not always do I want to blog about recipes. Let's be honest, food is not what brings true joy. True joy is what comes through relationships, be it through family, friends or God (and I tend to go with all three)! This blog here is about what I create! There is something exciting about making something useful from things you have around the house, or the hardware or dollar store. And so, this blog changes from strictly a recipe blog to more a CREATION blog. And so with that, I leave you until Sunday night because then I will have my five monkeys in bed and I will not be missing out on there life to fulfill my desire to share with you my creations that make me happy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

After 12+ years.....

Let me tell you a little story about me and my amazing husband.

We were both young when we got married but Blake was eager to give me all that I desired. So one day while we were at a kitchen store I started drooling over a Bosch and all the attachments. I am pretty sure the sales guy said it could even clean itself. After Blake broke out the mop and cleaned up my drool he asked what I would do with a Bosch. I started thinking up some very elaborate plans of what I would do with this new toy if only it could be mine. Besides pizza (which is a given cause I LOVE PIZZA) I mentioned to Blake that I could make bread with the Bosch and that got him all excited, and I got a brand new toy. Never mind the fact that we had little money cause we were poor starving newlyweds, I had my toy.
Well, the years went by and I am sad to say there was no homemade bread. Every once in a while Blake would put in a soft reminder that he was still waiting for that bread. Well, I blamed the fact that I did not make bread on everything from I didn't have a recipe that I liked, to I had no wheat grinder, I am pregnant, to I am nursing, to I have too many kids, to the sky was just too blue (it really was that ridiculous).
Then about a year and a half ago, Blake got me the BEST wheat grinder in the hopes that I would finally make good on my promise. Well, nothing! Until about a month ago...... I got a great wheat bread recipe from a great friend and she stayed with me to help me make my first batch. And instead of her just doing it while I watched she was brilliant enough to tell me what to do and I did it. And it was SOOOOOOO good!!! And once you have this bread you just can't go back to store bought cheap-o bread, so I had to make it a part of my life. So now I make bread once a week and Blake tells me all the time it was worth the wait (actually I made that last part up, but he does tell me how much he LOVES that I make bread)!!!!

So now I must pass on this amazing creation of whole-wheat "to die for bread" (let it be known that you have all been warned, once you try this there is no going back).

Here is a shot of all the ingredients.

100% Whole Wheat Bread

Ingredients (combine and mix on speed 1 until well blended:
6 Cups Hot Tap Water
⅔ Cup Olive Oil (you can also use 1/3 C Olive Oil and 1/3 C Vegetable or Canola Oil so you are not using as much Olive Oil)
⅔ Cup Honey (if you use the same cup as you used with the oil, it won’t stick)
2 heaping Tbsp Dry Milk
2 Tbsp Wheat Gluten
2 Tbsp Dough Enhancer
6 Cups freshly milled Whole Wheat Flour (I prefer using = parts white and red wheat)
2 Tbsp Yeast
Switch to speed 2:
Add 2 Tbsp Salt

Slowly add 6-10 more cups of whole wheat flour while kneading. Sprinkle in the last of the flour ¼ cup at a time. Don’t get it too dry. When the dough pulls away cleanly from the sides of the bowl, you have enough flour. Continue to knead for 5 minutes. I grease the pans during this time. I use five 8 ½” x 4 ½” pans (this is what the lady I got this from uses and by the way hers are metal, but I use 5" x 9" glass pans hence why there is only 4 loaves instead of 5).

Shape into loaves and place in pans.

Allow to rise for 20-25 minutes or until nearly doubled.

Bake at 350°F for 35 minutes (because my pans are a bit bigger, I cook it for 40 minutes). Remove from pans immediately, rub with butter on top for a softer crust and allow to cool before storing in plastic bags.

Please be advised that this uses 12-16 cups of freshly milled flour. I have been using all white wheat, but I have tried the equal parts red and white and it is delicious as well. I hardly can tell the difference.

Anyway, ENJOY!!!!!

Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

I am sure by now you are all wondering if I make anything that I have not found on a blog. Well, yes I do! They just are nothing NEW to me so I don't think to take pictures. I have had many people ask for some of my recipes, which of course I got from someone else but at least they are not currently on a blog already. Anyway, I am working on those and will take pictures next time I make them.

But for now another meal from another blog. This one again comes from Marin over at Marin's Creations. This meal got rave reviews from the hubby and kiddos. So here it is...

2 cups flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/3 cup shortening
1 cup milk

Mix flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Cut in the shortening until mixture resembles a coarse meal. Gradually stir in milk until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl (you may not need a whole cup). Mix well. Flour your surface really well and dump the dough out of the bowl. Roll out to 1" thick. Cut biscuits with a large cutter or juice glass dipped in flour. Place biscuits on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 13-15 minutes at 425 degrees.

While those are baking make the gravy.

Sausage Gravy
3/4 lb. sausage roll
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
salt & pepper, to taste

1. Crumble and cook sausage in a large skillet over medium heat until browned.

2. Stir in flour until dissolved. Gradually stir in milk. Cook gravy until thick and bubbly. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Serve over hot biscuits.

So this is a keeper at our house. I think next time I will make the biscuit a little bigger around. But it won't be long before we have these again.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chicken Cordon Bleu Bake

Alright, I guess it is time that I post something more on this blog. I had a cousin get a little antsy (by the way, Joe, I had no idea you were even reading this blog cause you never posted a comment), so I figured that I better get posting.

Here is another recipe I got from Marin's Creations which was delicious. And perhaps even better than being delicious it was super easy and fast to put together. So here is the recipe....

2 pkgs Stuffing Mix (I used Stove Top)
1 can (10 3/4 oz) Cream of Chicken Soup
1 C Milk
1/2 tsp Pepper
3/4 lb sliced Deli Ham, cut into 1" strips (I just used some processed cubed ham)
8 Swiss Cheese Slices, or 1 C shredded ( I don't much like Swiss Cheese, so I used Mozzarella)
2 C Cheddar Cheese, shredded 
2 C Cooked Chicken, ( I used some bottled chicken I got from a friend, thanks Jennifer)

Directions (complete with photos, well of most of the steps)
1. Make the stuffing as directed on the package.
2. Combine the soup and milk in a bowl and set aside.
3. Grease a 9x13 baking dish and put the chicken in and sprinkle with pepper.

You can see the bottle I got my chicken from. Because it was a quart bottle I did not use all of it, so the smaller pan there on the counter is the other half I put away for another day.

Layer ham...


Soup mixture....

and finally the prepared stuffing. Bake it for 45 minutes at 350 and VIOLA!!!!!

Here is a picture of it all served on a plate. Serve it with a roll and some veggies and it is a complete meal. Seriously, my husband loved this so much that within about two days he was asking when we were going to have it again. Thus we made it again shortly thereafter when we had some guests over. Both of which said guests DEVOURED it!!!!!