Thursday, April 14, 2011

The change to come

So one would ask, do I find much joy? I mean seriously, if I am not posting about what brings joy, then I must not be finding it, right? WRONG!!!!! I suppose my biggest problem is I am finding so much joy that I don't have time to write about it.

All kidding aside! I think this blog is about to take a turn. I still plan on keeping up on it and even more regularly than once every 6 months (WOW! Has it been that long?) Anyway, here are the roadblocks I have found since I started this blog, and what I plan to do about it. 1) My hands are too messy even think touching the camera. And I don't know about you, but I LOVE blogs with pictures! Resolution: Have one of my amazing helpers snap a few shots. 2) Pictures not loaded on the computer when I have time to blog. Resolution: Load them after taking them. 3) No scheduled time to blog. Resolution: Set a day and time that once the kids are in bed, I can blog. Set day Sunday night (perhaps just every other week). 4) Not sure what I want to blog about. Resolution: When I am making my weekly menu plan, decide which item I am going to blog about and put my "blog about it" marker on that recipe. 5) Not always do I want to blog about recipes. Let's be honest, food is not what brings true joy. True joy is what comes through relationships, be it through family, friends or God (and I tend to go with all three)! This blog here is about what I create! There is something exciting about making something useful from things you have around the house, or the hardware or dollar store. And so, this blog changes from strictly a recipe blog to more a CREATION blog. And so with that, I leave you until Sunday night because then I will have my five monkeys in bed and I will not be missing out on there life to fulfill my desire to share with you my creations that make me happy.

1 comment:

Steven and Ginger said...

Your board turned out way cute. I sure don't have any elaborate plan for holding or posting dinner. However, Ashleigh is working on one of your 10 hour projects. She picked 20 recipes she wants to start in a file, and is cooking 10 of them. So she is always ready to cook something from her list. I love personal progress, especially cooking dinner parts that help me. I told my children, that for summer, I think the older 4 should have a night each week, to be in charge of dinner. I don't know why that is such an amazing feeling of happiness, when someone else in the family is in charge of dinner :)