Friday, July 12, 2013

The Dawn

Every day the sun comes up and grants us a new day. A day that can become whatever we choose to make of it. Yesterday becomes the past........the past which we must learn from, or risk making the same mistakes (this time knowing better). Sometimes, our days seem to pass us by, becoming a big blur. Before we know it a month has passed and we barely remember any of it. And sometimes we cherish our days, and we remember minor details. No matter how we have spent our days one thing is constant................


We have made choices all along the way........such as whether to do the dishes now or play with the kids first. These choices become a part of who we are. The choices we make alter what is available to us in the future........such as choosing to stay up late with the kids will perhaps limit our time to sleep. A dear friend of mine (who probably doesn't even know she has done so), has taught me that these choices need to be made DELIBERATELY!!!! If I choose to sit down to play a game with my children instead of folding laundry, I must not allow that laundry to "scream" at me while I play. Instead, I must accept the fact that the laundry will still need to be folded when playtime is done, and ENJOY the moments with my children. Soak up their laughter! Drink in their smiles!

Since my last post, my life has changed. It has changed in a way I never expected. Isn't life funny that way? About the time you think you have it figured out, it throws something at you that you NEVER expected. While this life event was not expected, it was necessary. I know I will have those that may disagree with me. That's fine! One thing I have learned......not everyone will agree with me before something can or will be right. I have also learned that this is MY life and my life alone. I must make my own choices and take on whatever consequences that follow. I must live my life in a way I can live with. And make my choices deliberately.

Just like with a new day, life allows for a new dawn. It doesn't matter how your "night" went, or what "yesterday" held.....each day is a brand new make of it whatever you wish. Life will throw challenges. The key to meeting those challenges is to find joy in every day. So today, while I personally feel like crawling in a hole and crying my eyes out, I am going over my blogs and making changes. I am not sure what this blog will evolve into in the passing months. But one thing is will be and intentional change and there will be JOY along the way.

Because today the sun came today is a new day!

A day waiting to be deliberately lived!!!


Tyson and DeeAnna said...

Heather thank you for giving us a glimpse at what you are going through. Love you tons!

Hollie said...

just always remember to smile :) even in the hardest times...think of at least one pro instead of all the cons